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  4. Monitoring profile
  5. Stickers


This section defines the set(s) of stickers to apply in the monitoring phase.
For more details, see the sticker definition and full description.

sticker_set : the set sticker to load.
sticker_sets : the multiple sets of stickers to load from a shared profile repository, following the standard dependency mechanism.
dynamic_sticker_sets : the multiple sets of stickers to load from a shared profile repository, following the automatic loading mechanism.

  <sticker_set file="${JEYZER_BASE_APPLICATIVE_PROFILES_DIR}/${JEYZER_TARGET_PROFILE}/monitor/stickers/${JEYZER_TARGET_PROFILE}_stickers.xml"/>
  <sticker_sets files="repo://base/@@base-shared-deps@@"/>
  <dynamic_sticker_sets declared_repository_only="true"/>