Jeyzer allows the monitoring of Java applications (Target Application).
It is composed of 4 major components :
- Jeyzer Recorder is a standard Java agent, running inside the monitored application.
The JVM is loading the agent at application start.
It collects and persists periodically the applicative/technical monitoring data.
Mandatory. - Jeyzer Publisher is a Java library , loaded by the monitored application.
It allows the application to publish data and events.
Optional. - Jeyzer Monitor is a Java process running on a separate production server.
It analyzes the Jeyzer recordings and notifies the IT operator in case of critical event.
A JZR diagnostic report can typically be created on the fly.
Real time monitoring. - Jeyzer Web Analyzer is a web application running under Tomcat.
The IT/Support team feed it with the Jeyzer recordings to generate a JZR diagnostic report.
Post-mortem analysis.