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  5. Recording


The recording section drives the recording scanning and its early analysis.

The directory defines the recording location.

The file is optional and must point to a valid JZR recording file.
If not defined, the analyzer will load the recording snapshots from the above directory.

The period is optional and defines the JZR recording period.
The Jeyzer analyzer automatically detects the recording period based on the recording snapshot file date patterns : it will use this calculated value if the configured period is equal to -1.
Detected period value is displayed in the JZR report session details : it is highlighted if its value is different from the configured one by more than 5 seconds.

The translators section defines the list of translators to apply on the recording. See related section.

The file_patterns section defines the recording snapshot scanning strategy to determine the files to load as well as their recording time stamp :

  • file_jzr_pattern : the Jeyzer recording file pattern. It corresponds to this standard and unique file name syntax :
    snap-<time-zone-origin : p or c or jzr>-<date format with regional time zone>-.jzr
  • file_timestamp_pattern : time stamp is taken out from the file name.
    This format is used to accommodate the reading of periodic thread dumps taken with the Jstack tool.
    The date format must follow the Java date format.
  • file_regex_pattern : as above.
    The time stamp is taken out from the jstack thread dump header if available, or otherwise from the Last Modified By file attribute.
<recording period="${JEYZER_RECORD_PERIOD}" directory="${JEYZER_RECORD_DIRECTORY}" file="${JEYZER_RECORD_FILE}">
     <file_timestamp_pattern pattern="td-<EEE MMM dd HH_mm_ss z yyyy>.txt"/>
     <file_regex_pattern pattern="thread-dump-.*.txt"/>