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  5. Graph snapshot

Graph snapshot

The graph snapshot section covers the graph picture generation.
If active, generation will happen at the end of each monitoring scanning.

snapshot_enabled : defines if the generation is active.

publishers : the list of publishers responsible to dispatch the graph pictures.
The web one is enabled by default.

function_graph_player : the function graph picture generator configuration.
See the graph section for more details.

contention_graph_player : the contention graph picture generator configuration.
See the graph section for more details.

<graph_snapshot snapshot_enabled="${JEYZER_MONITOR_GRAPH_PICTURE_ENABLED}" publishers="web">
  <function_graph_player graph_config_file="${JEYZER_ANALYZER_CONFIG_DIR}/graph/player/function_graph_player.xml"/>
  <contention_graph_player graph_config_file="${JEYZER_ANALYZER_CONFIG_DIR}/graph/player/contention_graph_player.xml">