Reminder : shared profiles should be stored in a SCM repository.
Shared profile can evolve along with its related library/framework :
- Analysis patterns
Analysis patterns will evolve along with the original source code of your library/framework.
It is strongly recommended here to use the Jeyzer annotations in the original source code to maintain automatically the patterns alive in the Jeyzer analysis profile.
It is automated thanks to the build profile updaters (Maven/Gradle).
- Monitoring rules
Monitoring rules will evolve less frequently than the analysis patterns.
Most common case is to add manually applicative rules to detect some incident pattern.
- Stickers
Version related stickers (also known as process jar or proces module stickers) will permit to limit the execution of a rule to a particular set of versions of the library / Java module.
Those stickers should be referenced in the above rules.
Note that the above is also valid for master profiles.